Showing posts with label Jenny Hyun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenny Hyun. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jenny Hyun blog claims songwriter was admitted to hospital, is schizophrenic

After Korean-American songwriter Jenny Hyun ranted and posted anti-black tweets, a post was uploaded on her blog, claiming that she was admitted to the hospital and she is a paranoid schizophrenic. 
Here's the post: 

US-based Korean-American songwriter scored for racist tweets

By JONATHAN HICAP, Manila Bulletin
MANILA, Philippines - A New York City-based Korean-American songwriter, who co-wrote one of the songs for Girls’ Generation’s “The Boys” album, is getting so much flack for tweeting comments against African-Americans/blacks.
Jenny Hyun, who was born and raised in the US, got criticized for her posts on Twitter that targeted blacks.
Jenny Hyun (Photos courtesy of
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